I got tagged in the most gentle way by dear Willow so here are my quirks. Thank for including me Willow and the link on your blog!!
1. I luv my Mukka coffee maker and make a wonderful cappuccino with it every morning. ( Makes 2) It is simply the best thing since sliced bread.
2. I am a living hot water bottle; I run about 2-3 degrees internally hotter than the average person . You guessed it I am the guy turning down the thermostat and opening windows in winter!
3. I can get fascinated by the must ordinary things such as a leaf on the ground and will stop and observe it.
4. I pick up stuff and bring it home. I have a lot of stuff. Did I say I have a lot of stuff. Good for collages and mixed media. I mean you never know when you are going to need the "Stuff"
5. I don't wear a watch and haven't for 15 years.
6. I'm an Australian... I don't like the sun much...go figure.
Okay, I am having total coffee maker envy here. Wow, that looks like it could make one terrific cup!
My body temp is seriously 99.6 so I also am usually very warm and don't tolerate the heat of summer very well. I keep the house at about 68 degrees year round. I need to move north!
Thanks for playing. Fun to get to know you a bit better from your quirks. :D
Mukka,it really is amazing. You put water in the bottom, coffee ground expresso in the middle and milk in the top. You pop it on the stove and presto in abut 30 seconds you have two cups with frothed milk. I would never have belived it.
Hey Willow this is fun, I appreciated the invite.
30 seconds?! Incredible. I want one. :)
Very interesting! I found you through Willow. I think you have some neat quirky things. I will be back.
This was really fun to read! I actually like memes--they can tell you a lot about people.
Ah, I'm also addicted to my stovetop espresso maker. I have one every morning. I should get a Mukka though, because I always have to heat my milk seperately!
Been chasing fishies again;
Nana trish, welcome & thanks for stopping by. Willow has the most sublime blog. I found her through Margaret. I can't seem to find your blog. Are you a Nana?
Margaret; Hey tag your it... if you want. I'm gonna do a post on Mukkaering(To Mukka). They have them at Safeway in Calgary for half off, about 50 bucks, so you may want to chack out your local Safeway.
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